5 Easy Steps To Finding The Right Clickbank Product

How To Make Money On ClickBank


So how do you actually make money from Clickbank? One of the most popular methods has to be combining Adwords and Clickbank. Clickbank is one of the largest and most popular marketplaces for digital products (ebooks and software).


It has the advantages of:


– Having thousands of products under several categories including


– All products are digital. This means that the product can be downloaded immediately rather than having to wait for it to be shipped.


– Signing up as an affiliate to any product within the Clickbank marketplace is extremely simple.


Despite these advantages, most Clickbank affiliates struggle to make a few hundred dollars per month. However, there is an elite “super-affiliates” that are making well over $50,000.00/month.


These folks are using Clickbank to create and grow a successful online business with affiliate marketing.




5 Easy Steps

Did you ever find yourself in the situation where you just had to press that “Buy now” button but hesitated, because you didn’t want to spend $47, $97 or even more just to find out that you chose the wrong product again? Let me tell you that I have been in that situation many times and that I finally found a 5 step guide to overcome it.


Step 1: Find Your Product


Let’s say you search a book for “dog training”. The first step would therefore be to go to the Clickbank Marketplace and to take advantage of the recently introduced search feature. The results you get are ordered by popularity by default, which means that the first match will also be the top-selling product on Clickbank. Just browse around a few websites to get an impression which product could be your favorite.


Step 2: Product Reviews


What do you do first when you want to buy a new car? You sure don’t go to the dealer and hand over your hard earned money right away. What you usually do is find a possible model and then look out for some tests or reviews in magazines or on the internet. And that’s exactly what you should do next.


Let’s assume that the product you have an eye on is the ebook “Sit, stay, fetch”, you would then go to your favorite search engine and type in the product title in quotes plus the magic word “review”. The results you’ll get may not all be appropriate, but you will eventually find some reviews on “Sit, stay, fetch”.


Hint: It is always recommended to read more than one review on a product as some people will promise you heaven on earth just to make a sale.


Step 3: Customer Testimonials


It is quite common for most of the Clickbank products that customers send testimonials to the creator whether they liked the product or not (but would a good businessman really publish bad testimonials on the product website?!).


Assuming that the product creator is an honest person those testimonials will be real and you can get quite a good impression how the customers are satisfied with the product they bought.


Hint: Most published testimonials also include the author’s email address or website. If you are skeptical about a certain testimonial then drop the writer an email and see if you are able to get a response.


Step 4: Bonus Material


Of course you will primarily be interested in the product you buy, but it is always nice to have some bonuses that come with it. A list of bonuses, if any are offered, can most of the time be found at the bottom of the sales page. Just navigate to the website of the product and have a look at which additional goodies you will get when you buy.


Step 5: Refund Policy


In October 2005 Clickbank announced an official refund guarantee for any product which enables you to get a full refund within 8 weeks after the purchase was made. After that 8 weeks the purchase is final and you cannot get your money back.


To guarantee customer satisfaction, a lot of merchants offer a refund policy past that 8 weeks limit, some up to a full year. Others are even willing to give you a refund of 200% because they believe so much in their product.



How can you as new Clickbank affiliate achieve this? The following is a summarized lists of what would be required is the knowledge of how to:


1) The ability to find the most profitable products. With thousands of product available, you have to be able to sift through the crowd and find the products that:


(a) Pay good commission – at least $20.00


(b) Are in great demand – You can find out which products are in demand by doing thorough keyword research.


(c) Have a good sales page – try to promote products that you have brought because that means that the sales letter was good enough to convince you to purchase.


2) Create your own affiliate websites (sending visitors straight to the merchants website through your affiliate link is common, but terrible mistake).



* One of the best kind of affiliate sites to create is a review site!


** When creating affiliate sites, think about ways to make your site unique


3) Create landing pages with an opt-in mechanism which allows you to capture the names and addresses of visitors. This is very effective. When you capture your visitors information, you can follow up with them, which has been proven to increase your conversion ratio.


4) Once you have captured the names of your visitors and have built a substantial subscriber list, you have to how to convert them into buyers… and even better… long term customers.


5) Get FREE *targeted* traffic to your affiliate sites. There are a number of strategies which are free but are proven effective in getting quality traffic to your site.


These include:


(a) Writing articles and submitting them to article directories

(b) Posting at forums and online boards

(c) Using signature files in emails and forums

(d) Surf for traffic exchange sites


These are some techniques currently being used by a handful of Super Clickbank Affiliates.


These are the techniques you need to learn to start seriously increasing your earnings online.



There are many really outstanding and excellent products available at Clickbank. I’m assuming you’ve already researched a niche and found a product or products to promote. If you haven’t already done so, please do that. Once you’ve done that, create a ‘landing page’ that pre-sells the product. This is a must-do.


In this page (and you should keep it short), bring out the 3 biggest benefit of the product and create an opt-in form. This really is an easy way to build a super targeted list and get a stead flow of sales from Clickbank. The internet is the biggest information source available today and if you just spend some time searching you might find out that a valuable information you need could also be available for free on a website or message board.


So, following these easy steps you are well on your way to making money with clickbank affiliate program



Thanks For Reading,




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